

Elio Altare Langhe Rosso Arborina, Piedmont, Italy

意大利 Italy > 皮埃蒙特 Piedmont
關于“伊林奧特阿波利納園紅葡萄酒(Elio Altare Langhe Rosso Arborina, Piedmont, Italy) ”的酒款綜述
關于“伊林奧特阿波利納園紅葡萄酒(Elio Altare Langhe Rosso Arborina, Piedmont, Italy)”的評分
Wine Advocate 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
WA, #207Jun 2013
The 2010 Langhe Arborina is a pure expression of Nebbiolo that opens to beautiful shades of black fruit, tar, licorice, plum and dried blackberry. There’s a noticeable softness to the tannins that drives the wine’s lush, supple finish. It needs a few more years to reach balance. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2025. Elio Altare is never a man to mince words. He tells the rags-to-riches story of Barolo with conviction, passion and firsthand knowledge. La Morra went from having a handful of farmers (five or six) back in the early 1970s to dozens of estates today. Back then, grape growers were considered so low in social rank, many could not find local women to marry. They imported wives from poorer regions of southern Italy, like Calabria and Basilicata, to live in the Langhe. “C’era la fame qui,” he says. (“We were starving.”) From his panoramic porch overlooking the Frazione Annunziata section of La Morra, he sighs, “Just look at us now.” He tells the story of his first trip to France: “It blew my mind that producers in Burgundy were buying Porsches and yachts with just a few hectares of vine while we were dirt poor.” Highly influenced by that trip (his use of French barrique for aging Nebbiolo is a prime example), Altare returned to Italy and vowed to shake things up. He most certainly did.Various American importers, including: Michael Skurnik Wines, Syosset, NY; tel. (516) 677-9300; Estate Wines, San Rafael, CA; tel. (415) 492-9411
Wine Advocate 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
WA, #200Apr 2012
The 2009 Langhe Arborina (Nebbiolo) jumps from the glass with freshly cut flowers, red berries and mint. This energetic, impeccable wine boasts incredible class and sheer elegance. It is a gorgeous wine full of energy and polish. Here, too, it is evident Nebbiolo did better than Barbera in 2009. The oak needs time to settle and the overtness of the fruit needs to melt away a bit before the 2009 enters its early peak of maturity. This is a great showing from Altare. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2029. This is a stellar set of wines from Elio Altare. The 2008 Nebbioli were brought in between October 7 and 10, which is a bit late for this estate. The 2008s have a Pinot-like sweetness that is incredibly appealing. Experiments with a fully destemmed Barolo continue. It will be interesting to see how those wines develop over the coming years, but so far the results are intriguing, to say the least. The biggest piece of news, however, is a new lease on a parcel of Cannubi, of which there are now five barrels resting in the cellar with vintage 2011. The new addition will console Altare fans over the loss of the Barolo Brunate, which will no longer be made, as Altare lost access to that fruit after the 2011 harvest.Various American importers, including Michael Skurnik, Syosset, NY; tel. (516) 677-9300; Estate Wines Ltd., San Rafael, CA; tel.(415) 492-9411; Robert Houde Wines, Elk Grove Village, IL; tel. (847) 430-3887
Wine Advocate 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
WA, #200Apr 2012
The 2008 Langhe Arborina (Nebbiolo) is quite beautiful. It doesn’t have the vibrancy or power of the 2009, yet the pedigree of this hillside site comes through in spades just the same. Floral notes wrap around the delicate, perfumed finish. There is a Pinot like sweetness and silkiness to the 2008 that is impossible to miss. The Nebbiolo tannins add a measure of tension throughout that is palpable. Anticipated maturity: 2016-2028. This is a stellar set of wines from Elio Altare. The 2008 Nebbioli were brought in between October 7 and 10, which is a bit late for this estate. The 2008s have a Pinot-like sweetness that is incredibly appealing. Experiments with a fully destemmed Barolo continue. It will be interesting to see how those wines develop over the coming years, but so far the results are intriguing, to say the least. The biggest piece of news, however, is a new lease on a parcel of Cannubi, of which there are now five barrels resting in the cellar with vintage 2011. The new addition will console Altare fans over the loss of the Barolo Brunate, which will no longer be made, as Altare lost access to that fruit after the 2011 harvest.Various American importers, including Michael Skurnik, Syosset, NY; tel. (516) 677-9300; Estate Wines Ltd., San Rafael, CA; tel.(415) 492-9411; Robert Houde Wines, Elk Grove Village, IL; tel. (847) 430-3887
Stephen Tanzer 《國際葡萄酒窖》(International Wine Cellar)雜志的編輯和出版商,也是《福布斯指南》(Forbes)的葡萄酒專欄作家。
Wine Advocate 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
Altare’s 2005 Langhe Arborina comes across as unusually soft for a young Nebbiolo. It is a perfumed, elegant wine with generous sweet red fruit, subtle notes of French oak and lovely poise. This graceful Nebbiolo should be accessible fairly early. Anticipated maturity: 2010-2022. With his characteristic modesty Elio Altare told me 2005 was not a great vintage for him. “The harvest had to be timed perfectly, if we had waited just a few more hours the fruit would have been over-ripe,” says Altare. “2004, on the other hand was perfect. We were able to do several passes in the vineyards, picking each bunch at the optimal level of ripeness. In the cellar we did an absolute minimum of racking. The wines literally made themselves.”A Marc de Grazia Selection, various American importers, including Michael Skurnik, Syosset, NY; tel. (516) 677-9300, Vin Divino, Chicago, IL; tel. (773) 334-6700, and Estate Wines, Ltd., San Rafael, CA; tel. (415) 492-9411
伊林奧特酒莊(Elio Altare)
伊林奧特酒莊(Elio Altare) 伊林奧特酒莊地處意大利皮埃蒙特(Piemont) 產區(qū),是意大利僅有的獲得超過20個獲得三個酒杯(最高級別)獎項的3個酒莊之一。該酒莊目前的莊主是伊林·奧特(Elio Altare),這位充滿活力的莊主被公認為皮埃蒙特地區(qū)葡萄酒改革的刺激者之一,也是年輕一代釀酒師們追求高質量和更加現代化風格葡萄酒的模范。 … 【詳情】
本酒款釀酒葡萄資料ABOUT GRAPE
內比奧羅(Nebbiolo) 典型香氣:覆盆子、紅醋栗、藍莓、櫻桃、玫瑰、紫羅蘭、松露、煙熏、巧克力和胡椒等起源:內比奧羅(Nebbiolo)是意大利著名的紅葡萄品種,以釀制酒齡長、口感細膩的葡萄酒著稱。該品種原產于意大利西北部的皮埃蒙特(Piemonte)產區(qū),是該產區(qū)最為獨特和卓越的葡萄品種。通過DNA檢測發(fā)現,粉紅內比奧… 【詳情】
本酒款產區(qū)資料ABOUT REGION
皮埃蒙特(Piedmont) 圖片來源:www.italianwinecentral.com皮埃蒙特(Piemonte)是葡萄酒愛好者久仰的地方,它在意大利西北部的地位,就如勃艮第在法國的地位一樣。遠在羅馬時代,皮埃蒙特就以盛產名酒聞名,并以其高質量享譽世界。如今,該產區(qū)已擁有17個DOCG(保證法定葡萄酒產區(qū))和42個DOC(法定葡萄酒產區(qū)),遙… 【詳情】
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