I nearly missed the 2012 Paixar, but I finally got a bottle to taste in the last minute. You have to be in the end of the 1990s mind frame and be open to oaky exuberant wines, because this is it. It's like time traveling with the intense aromas of incense, cigar ash, balsamic woods, mushrooms, forest floor and cured meats that hardly let you see the fruit underneath. It's such a cliché of what was called 'Ribera del Bierzo' style that it's almost funny... Underneath all that makeup, there is very good fruit, with good ripeness and balance. The flavors are of course derived from the élevage, but in this case, I believe there is enough stuffing to eventually overcome the impact from the wood - even though it will never reach a perfect balance and will always be a generously oaked red. I waited and waited, and waited. I even left a glass overnight - and the more delicate notes of violets and the floral character are there. For fans of oaky reds.