Companhia das Quintas is the umbrella name for a company that has bought up several Quintas in various regions. It is headquartered at Quinta da Romeira in Bucelas, a small but historic appellation once a favorite of English Kings and Thomas Jefferson, among others. The Quinta itself, about 10km from Lisbon, has roots dating back to the early 18th Century. This 2005 MORGADO DE STA. CATHERINA (QUINTA DA ROMEIRA) was flat out impressive on my first taste, good, but less so on my second. It is 100% Arinto (the varietal that rules in Bucelas). It was raised in new French oak for eight months, which hardly shows. It has a penetrating, crisp finish. Its parts are well integrated, and the aromatics are rather nice, too. Drink now-2009.Importer for Morgado Sta. Catherina: Aidil Wines & Liquors, a division of Olde World Imports, Inc., Rahway,N.J.; tel: (973) 642-0044.