The show-stopping 2000 Riesling F. X. Unendlich, produced from a blend of parcels (92% Loibenberg and 8% Kellerberg), displays perfumed, floral, honeysuckle-infused aromas. This medium to full-bodied wine possesses untold richness, concentration, power, and purity. Its liquid cloud-like texture carries forth waves of complex spiced pear, mineral, candied apple, and anise flavors which linger in its never ending finish.In 1991 F. X. Pichler dreamt of making a wine of such concentration and depth that its finish would be unending. If he were ever able to achieve this goal he decided he'd name it Unendlich which means "unending" in German. Seven years later he crafted his first Unendlich, the 1998, the 2000 is the second ever produced. Projected maturity: 2005-2020+. Importer: Vin Divino, Chicago, IL; tel. (773) 334-6700