

Orliac Bergerie de L'Hortus Classique Blanc, Vin de Pays du Val de Montferrand, France

法國 France
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關于“奧督酒堡田園詩干白葡萄酒(Orliac Bergerie de L'Hortus Classique Blanc, Vin de Pays du Val de Montferrand, France) ”的酒款綜述
關于“奧督酒堡田園詩干白葡萄酒(Orliac Bergerie de L'Hortus Classique Blanc, Vin de Pays du Val de Montferrand, France)”的評分
eRobertParker.com 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
The Hortus 2010 Coteaux du Languedoc Bergerie Classique Blanc comes principally from Sauvignon (Blanc and Gris variants) and Viognier, with Roussanne and Chardonnay as minority partners. (Given how terrifically Chardonnay turned out in this vintage, it is understandable that more even than usual would have been set-aside with the intention of informing the Grand Cuvee.) An enticing nose of ripe Persian melon, white peach, acacia off-set by a faint prickle of gooseberry and pungency of resinous herbs sets the stage for a silken-textured yet ultra-refreshing palate on which saliva-inducing salinity and a crystalline sense of mineral impingement help render the finish dynamic and irresistibly next-sip-compelling. A wealth of floral, herbal, and mineral subtlety emerges as you savor this – and believe me, you won’t be able to put the glass down for long! Expect the seductive and invigorating satisfaction of this wonderful value to persist for at least the next couple of years. The Orliacs not only expect but normally recommend for their The pioneering Orliac family’s dramatically-situated, Domaine de l’Hortus – for more on which, as well as about their Clos du Prieur estate at Saint-Jean de Bueges in the Terrasses du Larzac (whose wines I have reviewed here under the “Hortus” covering designation) see my report in issue 183 – continue to fine-tune their expertise both in the vineyards (which I had further opportunity to traipse in their company on the occasion of my April visit) and the cellar. The Orliacs are getting more opportunity than they really welcome to explore alternative clones and selections of Syrah, because like so many Languedoc growers – but especially those in Pic Saint-Loup – they are experiencing worrisomely high rates of mortality from a mysterious fungal malady in that cepage. The downdrafts from the gap between this region’s signature Pic Saint-Loup and Hortus peaks strike the Orliacs’ Domaine de l’Hortus first and with greatest force, so it’s not surprising that the cool concentration of 2010 was enhanced here even on the high, rocky, south-facing so-called “Three Steps” that ripen their Mourvedre (and above that, olives). In fact, the Mourvedre ripened sooner than Orliacs had expected in 2010, while Syrah accentuated the vintage-typical lateness of harvest. Some of the raw material in red from this highly-promising season – which, on the whole, shows head-turning perfume and fantastic finesse – was still in malo. (A portion had experimentally been put into demi-muids rather than barrique, though it was far too early when I visited for them or me to draw any even tentative conclusions.) As for the 2010 whites, final blending decisions had not yet been made for the Grande Cuvee but the materials have the making of this estate’s best-ever. Speaking of late harvests, the Mourvedre was not picked in 2008 at Hortus until October 10 – and the Syrah mid-September – with results uncannily well-balanced; full of nuance; and downright refreshing. On the other hand, a decision was made not to bottle a Clos du Prieur because in that cool, breezy, high-elevation location (some dozen kilometers north of St.-Jean-de-Fos along the gorge of the Herault), the fruit was simply deemed insufficiently ripe. By contrast, 2009 – as one would expect – commenced precociously. Still, the harvest was not completed at Hortus until the end of September, but then with marginally disappointing results when judged against this estate’s outstanding track record; whereas the Clos Prieur red distinguished itself. Interestingly, Orliac wines tend to inhabit a relatively narrow – and, for the Languedoc, low – band of finished alcohol between 13.5% and 14% year in, year out.Domaine de l’Hortus’ importers are Eric Solomon Selections, Charlotte, NC; tel. (704) 358-1565 and Beaune Imports, Berkeley, CA; tel. (510) 559 1040 (Michael Sullivan) whose proprietors rather remarkably, notes Jean Orliac, first visited him within days of one another more than a quarter century ago to taste the estate’s inaugural collection.
Gault & Millau 和米其林并列的法國兩大權威美食指南之一
奧督酒莊(Domaine de l'Hortus)
奧督酒莊(Domaine de l'Hortus) 奧督酒莊(Domaine de l'Hortus)位于法國南部的葡萄酒圣地朗格多克(Languedoc)。該地區(qū)擁有宜人的地中海氣候,是法國最熱的地區(qū)。從內陸吹來的干燥的風以及從地中海吹來的濕潤的海風為葡萄的生長創(chuàng)造了完美的環(huán)境,石灰質堆積土質成就了法國南部最優(yōu)秀的葡萄酒?! W督酒莊擁有55公頃的葡萄園,從La Seran… 【詳情】
本酒款釀酒葡萄資料ABOUT GRAPE
白葡萄混釀(White Blend)
白葡萄混釀(White Blend) 白葡萄混釀(White Blend)并不特指某一種葡萄品種,葡萄酒的法律法規(guī)中也無相關規(guī)定定義該混釀中可包含的葡萄品種。“白葡萄混釀”指使用多種白葡萄品種進行混合釀造而成的葡萄酒,多出現(xiàn)于未詳細羅列出葡萄品種的白葡萄酒酒標上。 【詳情】
本酒款產(chǎn)區(qū)資料ABOUT REGION
法國(France) 法國的葡萄酒歷史十分悠久,可追溯至公元前600年左右,那時希臘人來到了現(xiàn)在的法國馬賽地區(qū),并帶來了葡萄樹和葡萄栽培技術。公元前51年,凱撒征服了高盧地區(qū),正式的葡萄樹栽培便在此展開。隨著葡萄種植區(qū)域不斷向北擴展,公元3世紀,波爾多(Bordeaux)和勃艮第(Burgundy)開始為供不應求的… 【詳情】
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