

Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia, Tuscany, Italy

意大利 Italy > 托斯卡納 Tuscany
赤霞珠 83%  品麗珠 17% 
櫻桃糖漿 覆盆子 李子 森林地表 礦物質(zhì)
關(guān)于“圣圭托酒莊西施佳雅紅葡萄酒(Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia, Tuscany, Italy) ”的酒款綜述
西施佳雅是一款極具代表性的“超托”(Super Tuscan)葡萄酒,亦是意大利聲名卓著的“四雅”之一,是波爾多葡萄品種與意大利風土相互碰撞交融的偉大杰作,自誕生起便憑借著超凡卓絕的表現(xiàn)驚艷了整個葡萄酒世界。此酒芬芳沁人,表現(xiàn)力出眾,彌漫著新鮮爽脆的黑櫻桃芳香,莓果、焦油、泥土、香脂草和烤制迷迭香的氣息層層綻放,凝練、清新而醇厚的果味是這一年份的典型特征??诟猩希@款酒質(zhì)地綿密細膩,架構(gòu)精巧,酸度明快,單寧堅實,平衡感佳,表現(xiàn)奪目。
關(guān)于“圣圭托酒莊西施佳雅紅葡萄酒(Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia, Tuscany, Italy)”的評分
Robert Parker Team 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導(dǎo)家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
The 2017 Bolgheri Sassicaia is a fascinating wine that symbolizes a never-ending tug-of-war between vintner and vintage. The question is who comes out on top? In this case, my money is on the vintner. The 2017 vintage, characterized by scorching heat and drought across much of Italy, was not an easy one. However, vintners had ample time to prepare because those climatic challenges had already played out midway through the summer season. Vintners with experience such as that amassed at Tenuta San Guido (now on the eve of Sassicaia's 50th birthday celebration) knew exactly how to handle the tricky 2017 growing season. Fruit was harvested early to avoid any jammy sensations, and a strict selection process was employed in order to preserve the best clusters. This Sassicaia represents 83% Cabernet Sauvignon and 17% Cabernet Franc, with most of the fruit coming from the Tenuta's historic vineyards Castiglioncello, Quercione and Doccino. These plots are all located on the back hill of Bolgheri at slightly higher elevations where they enjoy cooler nighttime temperatures. Old vines also have a deeper root system that is key to braving dry and hot summers. You can absolutely taste those choices here thanks to the wine's aromatic profile that offers more variety-driven green highlights of wild berry, forest floor and bramble than I would have expected. With time, as the wine takes on more air in the glass, you get a hint of summer plum or cherry cough drop, and this, to my surprise, is the only subtle reminder of the hot vintage encountered. I found the aromas here to be authentically "Tuscan" in character, more so than other vintages, with balsamic and Mediterranean elements that borrow directly from the Sangiovese playbook. I left the wine in my glass over the course of a day, checking back periodically, to find a growing mineral profile of rust or metal that recalls the high concentration of iron and manganese found in these Bolgheri soils. Another vintage-specific adjustment made in 2017 was shorter overall maceration times in steel tanks (from 10 to 12 days for the Cabernet Sauvignon and eight to 10 days for the Cabernet Franc). However, pump-overs and délestages were almost doubled in order to introduce more oxygen to the yeasts during fermentations at lower temperatures. Based on my understanding of fermentation kinetics, this means the 2017 Sassicaia would have achieved the same amount of extraction in about half the time. This process champions the cool-temperature fermentations that are a hallmark of Tenuta San Guido, despite the heat of the vintage. This puts more emphasis on aromatic elegance and minerality, rather than mouthfeel texture or creaminess per se. In fact, the 2017 Sassicaia is much shorter in the mid-palate compared to 2015 or 2016. In terms of oak, Tenuta San Guido takes advantage of the softer tannins found in Allier and Tron?ais oak. The 2017 vintage saw a greater percentage (from 20% to 30%) of third and fourth passage barrique during the first 10 months of aging. The decision to use more neutral oak favors the reduction of oxygen and softens the tannic profile. Although the wine does end with a hint of bitterness, it took on noticeably more volume and soft richness the longer I kept my sample in the glass. To recap my assessment, and with the memory of the 100-point 2016 vintage so fresh in my mind, I would give this wine a seven out of 10 in terms of aromas, a five out of 10 in terms of mid-palate, and an eight out of 10 in terms of structure. Another way to read those conclusions is as follows: The 2017 Sassicaia was expertly built to withstand a long aging future, yet only time will tell if the beauty of the bouquet will evolve at the same pace. This fascinating wine magically captures the hallmarks of cool-temperature winemaking in one of the hottest vintages in recent years. Vintners, not vintage, won this round.
圣圭托酒莊(Tenuta San Guido)
圣圭托酒莊(Tenuta San Guido) 圣圭托酒莊(Tenuta San Guido)地處意大利托斯卡納(Toscana)的保格利(Bolgheri)海濱地區(qū)。酒莊出產(chǎn)的西施佳雅(Sassicaia)葡萄酒被稱為意大利的酒王之王,享有“意大利拉菲(Lafite)”的美譽。    馬里歐侯爵(Mario Incisa della Rocchetta)是圣圭托酒莊的創(chuàng)始人,他熱愛美酒、賽馬和環(huán)保,并一直夢想著釀造一款品… 【詳情】
本酒款釀酒葡萄資料ABOUT GRAPE
赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)
赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 典型香氣:黑加侖、黑醋栗、黑櫻桃、青椒、薄荷;煙熏、香草、咖啡、雪松等橡木帶來的風味;陳年之后還會有菌菇類、干樹葉、動物皮毛和礦物的香氣起源: 作為世界上最著名的紅葡萄品種,赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)的歷史并不是特別悠久。它與梅洛(Merlot)一起堪稱世界上種植面積最廣泛的兩種深色… 【詳情】
品麗珠(Cabernet Franc)
品麗珠(Cabernet Franc) 典型香氣:草莓、紅李子、覆盆子、胡椒、碎石等起源:品麗珠(Cabernet Franc)是法國波爾多(Bordeaux)地區(qū)最重要、最古老的紅葡萄品種之一。關(guān)于品麗珠的起源有很多猜測,近期的研究表明,12世紀時,在西班牙和法國邊界處的巴斯克(Basque)大區(qū)內(nèi)的龍塞斯瓦列斯(Roncesvalles)鎮(zhèn)上,當?shù)啬翈煼N植… 【詳情】
本酒款產(chǎn)區(qū)資料ABOUT REGION
托斯卡納(Tuscany) 托斯卡納是意大利最知名的明星產(chǎn)區(qū),北鄰艾米里亞-羅馬涅(Emilia-Romagna),西北臨利古里亞(Liguria),南接翁布利亞(Umbria)和拉齊奧(Latium),西靠第勒尼安海(Tyrrhenian Sea),地理位置優(yōu)越。托斯卡納之于意大利中部,好比波爾多之于法國。托斯卡納主要為地中海氣候,冬季溫和,夏季炎熱干… 【詳情】
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