The same can be said for the 2006 Longitude Shiraz of which two barrels were produced. It offers up a brooding bouquet of Asian spices, garrigue, incense, blueberry, and blackberry liqueur. Full-bodied, powerful, yet light on its feet, it is already offering considerable complexity which should only be enhanced with another 8-10 years of cellaring. These are stunning efforts that will be criticized by those who prefer less flavor in their wines.R Wines is the label created by Dan Philips for wines sold predominantly but not exclusively for under $20 a bottle produced in-house under the direction of Chris Ringland. The wines are discussed in the order in which they were presented. The last four wines are made from the grapes grown in the Shiraz vineyard of Adrian Hoffman in the Ebenezer district of Barossa Valley. Hoffman was responsible for all the harvesting decisions, and the wines were made by Chris Ringland. They are all still in barrel but will ultimately receive 36-40 months in new French oak.Importer: Dan Philips, The Grateful Palate, Oxnard, CA; tel. (805) 278-9095