The 2007 YASMIN red is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon (50%), Merlot (30%) and Shiraz (20%). It is Mevushal, the infamous “boiled wine” process, although today that means flash pasteurized. There is good news and bad news here. The good news is that the wine seems clean and correct, like a real wine, pleasant, with nice aromas and free from obvious flaws. The bad news is that it seems bland and simple, with modest and basic flavors, no mid-palate concentration and little structure. It’s basically a well made jug wine without the jug. Its price category is modest, too, to be fair. If you need Mevushal for religious purposes and a banquet wine not likely to offend, this might have a place as a pleasant quaffer. It is less interesting the longer it is open. Drink now-2010. All of Recanati’s wines are Kosher. The Yasmin lineup is also Mevushal.Importer: Palm Bay International, Port Washington, N.Y.; tel: (516) 721-5123.