I had a difficult time working my way through the mouth-searing levels of tannin in the 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon Bart’s Select. The overall impression is one of abundant extract (perhaps too much), wood and tannin. There is a lot here, but this wine may have some issues with equilibrium between all its component parts in 4-5 years. Krupp Brothers is a winemaking entity from the enormous Stagecoach Vineyard (over 1,000 acres) in the eastern hillsides of Napa Valley. Much of the fruit is sold to other wineries, but after hiring consulting winemaker Aaron Pott, they began to estate bottle in 2008. The wines are attractively packaged in heavy bottles and appear to be taking on more finesse, especially the 2009s. The real stars of this portfolio appear to be the 2009s, a vintage when consultant Aaron Pott had full control.Tel. (707) 226-2215; Fax (707) 259-4512